Need & Importance
The revolutionary development in the last 50 years in the fields of Science, information Technology, Trade and Economics had benefited the mankind in so many ways. However, it had damaged the Social, humane and ethical values considerably, especially in developing nations like Pakistan.
The most hazardous effect of these revolutionary changes targeted on our beliefs and ideology that in turn has created two distinguished groups of people, namely
One class of people who are equipped with the flair of modern skills of knowledge and perceives that only mastering certain skills (technology) for day to day use is sufficient to excel not only in this world but Hereafter.
And the religious scholars who are equipped with knowledge of divine revelations (Quran and Sunnah).
There is clear misconception and misperceptions among these two segments of society that give rise to debate for two systems of educations.
The group who is the apostle of modern way to educate perceives that religious scholars are merely a burden on the society and the religious scholars had a feeling that modern sciences are not meant for them.
Al-Hamdulillah, the idea of forming KIMS is an innovative and constructive effort to end this Debate and will be benefitted strategically not only for the Islamic republic of Pakistan but the whole Islamic world.
The program at KIMS will not only help in bridging the distance between the two groups (Ulemas and Intellectuals) but also produce such leaders /business managers who will be capable of developing a good relationship with the intellectuals and could communicate upon the practical execution of sharia principles in day to day complex business environments.
By acquiring the knowledge in the fields of financial management, Economics, Commercial and Islamic Banking, accounting and Auditing, the Ulamas Karam will be able to enhance the qualities of leadership and decision making on the one hand and the non-ulemas would be benefitted with the piety of learning environment that in turn helps in character building and personality development converting the dream of a corruption free Society.
The very idea of forming an institution for the benefit of Ulamas (Scholars of Islam) as well as the benefit of masses in general is based on the recent market changes, challenges and demands in today’s world which can be summarized as follows:
• The Scholars of Islam, after completing the post gra
• The techniques and the knowledge required for acquiring the latest skills in collecting information will help them in improving the quality of important decisions and it will be helpful in implementing those decisions.
• By qualifying the courses offered in this program the Ulama Karaam should be able to narrow the gap between the masses and the Scholars of Islam.
• By completing the courses offered in this program the scholars of Islam will be able to serve the nation two-fold:
(i) by holding key positions in Islamic Institutions
(ii) and by holding the same positions in Industrial organizations.
• The graduates of KIMS is supposed to be balanced individuals who could